untamed- MEXICO 2022

In July 2022, an extraordinary group of 5 men and 5 women embarked on an adventure of a lifetime in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. These individuals, who were complete strangers, were drawn together by fate to experience something truly remarkable. Their destination: Xinalani, a private beach renowned for its serene beauty and transformative energy.

Led by the powerful trio of Jade, Jaclyn, and Meghan, this immersive retreat aimed to unlock the participants' WILD selves. Each movement session, connection circle, sound ceremony, and activity was carefully curated to liberate the UNTAMED essence within each person.

Among this remarkable group, the participants included CEOs of world-renowned companies. Initially, they approached the experience with guarded hearts, skepticism, and a touch of rigidity. However, the transformative power of the retreat proved to be irresistible. Through a captivating array of activities such as breath-work, traditional Mexican sweat lodge sessions, sound healing, movement workshops, and self-discovery exercises, the participants experienced a profound release of their inner wildness. They witnessed and felt the magic that unfolded within them, leading to a remarkable transformation as leaders.

This retreat was truly extraordinary, defying easy explanation to those on the outside. Limiting beliefs were shed, and the participants fearlessly delved into the truth of their own being. From this deep exploration, lasting change emerged, shaping their lives in profound ways. The bonds forged during the retreat remain strong, with participants staying connected and eagerly planning reunions in each other's home towns.

The impact of the transformative retreat extended far beyond its duration, as participants experienced profound shifts and initiated real change in their lives.

Here are some of the remarkable transformations that took place post-retreat:

  1. Prioritizing Happiness and Career Alignment: Inspired by their newfound sense of self and purpose, many participants made the courageous decision to prioritize their happiness. They recognized the misalignment in their current jobs and chose to resign, actively seeking new work opportunities that resonated with their true passions and values.

  2. Letting Go of Unhealthy Relationships and Focusing on Self-Love: Participants found the strength to release themselves from relationships that no longer served their growth and well-being. Turning their energy inwards, they embarked on a profound journey of self-love and self-discovery. By nurturing themselves, they laid the foundation for personal growth and happiness.

  3. Healing Family Wounds through Open Communication: The retreat acted as a catalyst for participants to reconnect with their family members on a deeper level. Through open and honest communication, they addressed old wounds, fostering healing, understanding, and forgiveness. This newfound clarity and connection enriched their relationships and brought them closer to their loved ones.

  4. Becoming Better Leaders for Their Employees: Having experienced personal growth and transformation, the participants recognized the opportunity to enhance their leadership skills in the workplace. They implemented changes in their leadership styles, prioritizing empathy, effective communication, and a healthy work environment. As a result, productivity increased, and a positive shift occurred within their teams.

The transformative power of this retreat cannot be underestimated. Witness the real change and personal growth that participants experienced as they redefined their careers, embraced self-love, healed family wounds, and became better leaders.

Embark on your own transformative journey and unlock your true potential.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to create lasting change in your life.